Give a Gift
Generous past donations to the Anthropology Enrichment Fund provide baseline support for the academic programs of the department, including graduate student support and programmatic activities such as the department colloquium. Contributions of any size are sincerely appreciated.
Additional Funds
- Anthropology Alumni Scholarship — The purpose of this fund is to assist students pursuing a degree in Anthropology at the College of Social Sciences at the University of Hawai`i at Manoa. Funds shall be used but not limited to costs associated with attendance (e.g. tuition, books, fees, etc.) and living expenses.
- Ann Dunham Soetoro Endowed Fund — UH Mānoa and the East-West Center are cooperating in a campaign to fund an endowed faculty position in the Department of Anthropology as well as graduate scholarships at the East-West Center to honor the legacy of Ann Dunham Soetoro.
- The Ben Finney Voyager of Pacific Anthropology Fund — The Ben Finney Voyager of Pacific Anthropology Award is available to Anthropology graduate students (PhD and MA) developing a field or lab research project in the field of Pacific anthropology.
- Richard Lieban Endowed Fund — Giving to this fund adds to an endowment created by former faculty member and Chair Professor Richard Lieban with the aim of supporting anthropology students and faculty. These funds are currently used to assist students in the phase of dissertation writing.
- Nina Etkin Memorial Fund — This fund, created in memory of former UHM faculty member Professor Nina L. Etkin, supports advanced students working in the area(s) of medical and biocultural anthropology.
- Archaeology Research Fund — This fund provides support for research in the department’s archaeology program.