Environmental Anthropology
Environmental anthropology investigates human relations with the environment. It examines how we shape the environments we live in, and how relations with the environment shape culture and social organization. This is an interdisciplinary, collaborative endeavor spanning the subdisciplines of anthropology and intersecting environmental research in fields including geography, the earth sciences, ethnobotany, biology and the environmental humanities. Understanding Indigenous natural resource conservation and management practices, island ecosystems, human-primate interactions (“ethnoprimatology”), and the environmental implications of globalization – these are all examples of environmental anthropology. The focus on cultural, political and social dimensions of human interactions with the environment, as well the depth of time afforded by archaeological approaches, makes environmental anthropology a cornerstone of modern anthropology. Environmental anthropologists are employed by the public, private and nonprofit sectors in positions ranging from community engagement to managing natural environments, sustainability and conservation biology.
Core Faculty
- Christopher Bae
- Patrick Kirch
- Jonathan Padwe
- Christian Peterson
- Seth Quintus
- Barry Rolett
- Miriam Stark
Related Courses
- ANTH 204/SUST 204: Historical Ecology of Hawaiʻi
- ANTH 325: Origins of Cities
- ANTH 328: Food Origins, Food Culture
- ANTH 333/SUST 333: Climate Change and Cultural Response: Past, Present, and Future
- ANTH 335/SUST 335: Society and Environment
- ANTH 360: Primate Behavioral Ecology
- ANTH 375: Race and Human Variation
- ANTH 412: Evolutionary Anthropology
- ANTH 424: Islands as Model Systems: Human Biogeography of the Pacific
- ANTH 431: Indigenous Crops/Food Systems
- ANTH 440: The Agriculture of Identity: Food and Farming in Anthropological Perspective
- ANTH 444: Spiritual Ecology
- ANTH 445: Sacred Places
- ANTH 459/ANTH 659: Extinctions
- ANTH 460/ANTH 660: Asian Paleoanthropology
- ANTH 461: Southeast Asian Archaeology
- ANTH 482/SUST 482: Anthropology and the Environment: Culture, Power, and Politics